Outlook-da mailler geri qayıdır (yandex.ru)
Salamlar olsun hər kəsə ,sualım outlook-la bağlıdır ,istifadəçilərdən biri toplu şəkildə mail göndərir ama hər dəfə mail geri qayıdır,Error olaraq bu mesaj gəlir
—–Original Message—–
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, November 01, 2013 9:33
Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Toplu olaraq göndərilən mesajdır ,30 nəfərə yaxın mailə göndərilir ,lakin geri qayıdır ,maillər işləyir amma
Diqqətinizə görə təşəkkürlər !

Baxılıb: 2173 dəfə
Cavablar ( 1 )
Yandexin resmi support sehifesine yazdim ,onlar bele yazdilar
Please accept my apologies for the delayed reply.
Unfortunately, our mail system is not designed for sending mass mailings.
Please note that the following restrictions apply to sending messages in Yandex.Mail:
1. You can send one message to no more than 50 recipients at once.
2. Depending on the nature of the messages, you can send a maximum of 1500 messages per day. This restriction varies and depends on many factors in the sent messages that are analyzed by Yandex’s Spam Protection in each specific case. If you send one message to 50 addresses, Spam Protection considers this to be 50 sent messages. You can find some recommendations for “mass mailings” on the pagehttp://help.yandex.c…ty/antispam.xml. The less your mailing corresponds to the described condition, the less messages you will be able to send.
If you violate one of the rules, your ability to send messages may be blocked. Your inbox will be automatically unblocked a day after mailings have stopped, what happened in your case.
Currently mailbox [email protected] not blocked.
Best regards, Lev Dobrov
Yandex.Mail Support Service