Salam. Mən office 365 personal almışam. Lakin bunu başqa istifadəçi hesabına keçirmək istəyirəm. İstəyirəm ki, bu lisenziyanı aktivləşdirən zaman yeni istifadəçi hesabı ilə aktivləşdirilsin. Bu mümkündürmü?
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Baxılıb: 2868 dəfə
Cavablar ( 2 )
Elvin Əmirov / . Dərc edilib: 04/05/2015 at 11:58 SəhərSəs: +14.
Salam Ömər bəy,
Sualla bağlı araşdırarkən Microsoftun səhifəsində belə bir məqama rast gəldim. Güman edirəm ki, bu sizin sualın tam cavabıdır. Belə ki, Personal-ın qarşısında License Transfer deyə özəllik yoxdur.
Qeyd: Diqqət yetirməli olduqlarınızı QALIN şiriftlə işarələmişəm.
Office 365 Home
A personalized Office experience for everyone in your household on up to five PCs or Macs, plus selected devices1
The latest Office applications—Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Outlook 2013, OneNote 2013, Publisher 20132, and Access 20132
Easy document access and sharing with an additional 20 GB of online storage in OneDrive
Automatic updates so your customers will always be using the latest version
Sixty minutes of Skype calls each month to phones in more than 60 countries3
One-year subscription Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 Personal
Designed for individuals with 1PC/Mac plus 1 tablet/iPad
All the Office applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access2 and Publisher2
One year subscription
20 GB of OneDrive storage
60 Skype world minutes3 Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 University
For higher education students, faculty, and staff only on up to two PCs/Macs/tablets including iPad
All the benefits of Office 365 Home Premium at a great price for students
Eligibility verification required in product
Four-year subscription for one user Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Güman edirəm ki, işinizə yarayacaqdır.
Elvin Əmirov / . Dərc edilib:A 04/05/2015 at 11:58 SəhərSəs: +14.
Salam Ömər bəy,
Sualla bağlı araşdırarkən Microsoftun səhifəsində belə bir məqama rast gəldim. Güman edirəm ki, bu sizin sualın tam cavabıdır. Belə ki, Personal-ın qarşısında License Transfer deyə özəllik yoxdur.
Qeyd: Diqqət yetirməli olduqlarınızı QALIN şiriftlə işarələmişəm.
Office 365 Home
A personalized Office experience for everyone in your household on up to five PCs or Macs, plus selected devices1
The latest Office applications—Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Outlook 2013, OneNote 2013, Publisher 20132, and Access 20132
Easy document access and sharing with an additional 20 GB of online storage in OneDrive
Automatic updates so your customers will always be using the latest version
Sixty minutes of Skype calls each month to phones in more than 60 countries3
One-year subscription Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 Personal
Designed for individuals with 1PC/Mac plus 1 tablet/iPad
All the Office applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access2 and Publisher2
One year subscription
20 GB of OneDrive storage
60 Skype world minutes3 Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 University
For higher education students, faculty, and staff only on up to two PCs/Macs/tablets including iPad
All the benefits of Office 365 Home Premium at a great price for students
Eligibility verification required in product
Four-year subscription for one user Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Cavablar ( 2 )
Salam Ömər bəy,
Sualla bağlı araşdırarkən Microsoftun səhifəsində belə bir məqama rast gəldim. Güman edirəm ki, bu sizin sualın tam cavabıdır. Belə ki, Personal-ın qarşısında License Transfer deyə özəllik yoxdur.
Qeyd: Diqqət yetirməli olduqlarınızı QALIN şiriftlə işarələmişəm.
Office 365 Home
A personalized Office experience for everyone in your household on up to five PCs or Macs, plus selected devices1
The latest Office applications—Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Outlook 2013, OneNote 2013, Publisher 20132, and Access 20132
Easy document access and sharing with an additional 20 GB of online storage in OneDrive
Automatic updates so your customers will always be using the latest version
Sixty minutes of Skype calls each month to phones in more than 60 countries3
One-year subscription
Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 Personal
Designed for individuals with 1PC/Mac plus 1 tablet/iPad
All the Office applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access2 and Publisher2
One year subscription
20 GB of OneDrive storage
60 Skype world minutes3
Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 University
For higher education students, faculty, and staff only on up to two PCs/Macs/tablets including iPad
All the benefits of Office 365 Home Premium at a great price for students
Eligibility verification required in product
Four-year subscription for one user
Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Güman edirəm ki, işinizə yarayacaqdır.
Salam Ömər bəy,
Sualla bağlı araşdırarkən Microsoftun səhifəsində belə bir məqama rast gəldim. Güman edirəm ki, bu sizin sualın tam cavabıdır. Belə ki, Personal-ın qarşısında License Transfer deyə özəllik yoxdur.
Qeyd: Diqqət yetirməli olduqlarınızı QALIN şiriftlə işarələmişəm.
Office 365 Home
A personalized Office experience for everyone in your household on up to five PCs or Macs, plus selected devices1
The latest Office applications—Word 2013, Excel 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Outlook 2013, OneNote 2013, Publisher 20132, and Access 20132
Easy document access and sharing with an additional 20 GB of online storage in OneDrive
Automatic updates so your customers will always be using the latest version
Sixty minutes of Skype calls each month to phones in more than 60 countries3
One-year subscription
Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 Personal
Designed for individuals with 1PC/Mac plus 1 tablet/iPad
All the Office applications: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Access2 and Publisher2
One year subscription
20 GB of OneDrive storage
60 Skype world minutes3
Non-commercial use rights
Office 365 University
For higher education students, faculty, and staff only on up to two PCs/Macs/tablets including iPad
All the benefits of Office 365 Home Premium at a great price for students
Eligibility verification required in product
Four-year subscription for one user
Transferable license
Non-commercial use rights
Güman edirəm ki, işinizə yarayacaqdır.
Salam Elvin bəy. Çox sağolun. Məni elə bu məsələ maraqlandırırdı. Amma təəssüf ki, mən Personal Edition almışam.
Ətraflı cavabınız üçün minnətdaram.